These pages present in-depth data on the use of Imperial War Museums (IWM) Collections images on Wikipedia. Further analysis is to follow, but the key principles behind this work were
- to build upon the underpinning work of Magnus Manske through the BaGLAMa 2 tool which quantifies use of cultural heritage collections in Wikipedia;
- to further analyse the way that images are used and assess impact based on position, size and overall page views - to this end an 'impact' formula is being tested, currently set as views/sqrt(position) and then divided by 10 if the image is only present as a thumbnail. Thus a large image which is the first image on a page that gets 1,000 views has an impact factor of 1000/sqrt(1) = 1000, whereas a thumbnail that is the 25th image on a page with the same views has an impact factor of 1000/sqrt(25)/10 = 40. For multiple collection images on the same page these can then be summed to measure the overall impact of that page for the collection in question, and likeise an overall impact fact can be calculated for an image that appears at different sizes in different positions on multiple pages with different views;
- in doing this, build a framework that can be easily scaled to process any collection, for any time period, and on any language Wikipedia (subject to data availability).
Contact: james at jamesmorley dot net / @jamesinealing